Today our 4 mile long rural road came together at a neighbor's house for our annual picnic and social. About 10 households turned out, half of them Amish, so I did not take any photographs. Sorry! This was in respect to their aversion to being photographed.
What I can tell you is that we had a beautiful day with perfect weather. Crispy air and brilliant sunshine while we all sat out under the trees and enjoyed home cooked vittles and home made bread and desserts. Some of our new neighbors also came and it was nice to meet them. The kids played volly ball and bad minton while we lazy adults sat in the shade and ate and chatted away.
Homemade fresh bread, sweet potato casserole, trail slaw, ham, potato salad, beans, fudge brownies, coffee cake, and lemon merinque pie were some of the delights enjoyed.
Scootie was on the move, up and down the road from my house to my neighbor's house helping to set up in the morning and shuttle food and chairs back and forth.
At one point she had a lawn chair, tub of slaw, plate of food, loaf of bread, and box of zucchini bread loaded up on her as she scooted up the lane!
We had pick-up trucks, SUVs, and about 5 Amish buggies pulled up and parked so Scootie was able to navigate all that and park up near the picnic area.
Interestingly her parking companion was a 2 wheeled Amish scooter! Pretty cool!
It was a great day of socializing, eating, and meeting new neighbors!
It sounds like you had a wonderful day! Scoots are so practical, I just love their carrying capacity. The picture of the non motorized scooters is beautiful, you need to post that one in a larger format. I had a great day too and rode Lucy most of the day and took her through downtown Victoria, it was exhilarating!